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Contact form

Here's a way to find our staff and seek help. 

Head to

The people who you can seek help from are: 
Owners: kenkencw, Chee Yao
Co-owners: Max McDonut, Shuyi, Ernest
Admins: Tyler, Darren Heng
Moderators: Kevin, Syazwi, Hao Rong
Helpers: Chernfoo, Tc EmoZaii, Naseem, Joshua, Riknesh, Maverick

If you encountered any bugs/glitches/exploits, please inform our staff,
we'll handle the situation from there. If it is solved, we'll reward

you with a gift. 

Our team is here to assist you to enhance your gaming experience,
please feel free to come towards us if you have any doubts.
We'll not hesitate to help you with your issue, but please be
reminded that we're not always there 24/7 to guide you. So please
be patient while awaiting our response. 😄

