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Here's the rules that we set in Huskycraft

  • Do NOT asking for ranks
  • Do NOT trash talking in the server
  • Do NOT bully newbies in the server
  • Do NOT glitch OR exploit
  • Do NOT advertise in the server, whether by signs or pm
  • Do NOT disrespect the staff, always listen to them. 
  • Do NOT build huge redstone farms
  • Do NOT spam the chat
  • Do NOT use vulgarities in chat
  • Do NOT use other languages in chat, only ENGLISH
  • Do NOT use racism talks in the server. Be friendly
  • Do NOT x-ray in the server
  • Do NOT use offensives names for accounts OR faction names
  • Do NOT use political names for accounts

 Please note that you're ONLY allowed to create 3 accounts per IP.
If you're found to have more than 3 accounts, we'll contact you
by mail sending you in the server, if you do not respond back
we'll have to resort to a random ban to all your accounts.

Do's OR allows 👍

We allow mob aura in the server or auto fishing mods, we do not allow hacks that will affect the server's gaming experience, like kill aura or x-raying. If you're caught using these types of hacks, we'll ban you 7 days straight without any warnings given, /warp rules is there, you should have read the signs before playing the server.

Griefing, scamming and raiding is ALLOWED. For newbies, you may proceed to /warp tutorial to learn some of the commands we have in the server. 
To ALL players, do NOT trust anyone that easily. Like we said, scamming is ALLOWED, so do not come crying and complaining to us that you've been scammed. We cannot help you with your situation. 

Please bear in mind that staffs are NORMAL players too. We do survival and we're also helping out the server. We'll not be there 24/7, so please be patient. We have a life too.
Staffs can raid you if they want to, but they're also not encouraged to do so. However, if you feel that a staff is abusing their powers to raid you for example, XXX tp-ed to you and kill you, you may report this issue to our owners/co-owners.


Advertisers will be temp banned 7 days for advertising with no warnings for 1st offence, 2nd offence we'll banned you perm.
If donators were to advertise, we'll give you a warning for 1st offence. 3 days for 2nd offence, and a perm ban for 3rd offence.

If you do not listen to the rules, we'll give you 3 warnings, after 3 warnings, you'll be muted. 15minutes, 30minutes, 1h and so on and so forth.

